RMDS Website Position
Every two years, RMDS goes through the open bid process for the paid positions. The following position is up for bid or renewal:
Bids due by October 20, 2018
- Website Maintenance & hosting – effective November 15, 2018
This is a paid RMDS position for qualified persons. The contract will be awarded at the November Board of Governors meeting. Call the RMDS Central Office, email rmds@rmds.org or go to the RMDS website for guidelines for this position.
Send the bids to the RMDS President: Gwen Ka’awaloa – kaimana_co@hotmail.com
Bids must be received by October 20, 2018. We hope you will plan to attend the November 3 (Saturday) Board of Governors meeting as there may be questions asked of you.
November 3 Board of Governors meeting: National Western Stock Show -Denver , CO