Proposed Bylaw & Standing Rule Changes
At the Board of Governors meeting Saturday, November 4, there will be Proposed Bylaw & Standing Rule Changes to be voted on. Please read these proposed changes as they will affect you and let your chapter officers know your thoughts. Want to come and have a vote? Contact your chapter president as you must be a delegate to have voting privileges. Anyone may attend and be heard.
Proposed Bylaw & Standing Rule Changes
- The elected officers of the Board of Governors being, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall act in their respective capacities as the officers of the Society. All officers shall be members of the Society in good standing and a participating member of the United States Dressage Federation.
Term of Office:
- Officers shall be elected by the Board of Governors at the applicable Annual Meeting of the Society, and shall hold office for a two (2) year term or until a successor shall have been duly elected.
- The Secretary and Treasurer are elected for terms to begin January 1 of even numbered years.
- The President shall be elected for a 2-year term to begin January 1 of the even[DELETE] ADD: odd numbered years.
- The Vice President shall be elected to a 1-year term to begin January 1, limited to two consecutive terms.
A dressage competition shall be recognized by the Society if the following requirements are met:
- At RMDS only recognized shows; all US Equestrian Federation rules regarding competitions shall be followed with the following exceptions:
- Allow Western Dressage classes, exempting USEF rule DR121.1 for those classes only.
Allow Western Dressage classes, exempting USEF rule DR121.1 for those classes only and utilizing USEF Western Dressage rules for appointments, except that helmets required i.e., SUBCHAPTER WD-5 APPOINTMENTS; WD119 General; WD120 Tack; WD121 Illegal Equipment; WD122 Attire
Eligibility: Page E-14 clarification
- Only scores from competitions recognized by the Society may be used in determining Year-End Awards.
- Only current members of the Society in good standing shall be eligible to receive Society Year End Awards. ADD: Riders that have an Education membership are not eligible for year-end awards.
- Members who have failed to return or make restitution for missing/damaged perpetual trophies from the previous year, by Oct 20 of the current year, shall not be considered in good standing and will therefore not be eligible for Society Year End Awards.
Rider Awards: Page E-16 in conflict with page B-3
- An engraved plate will be awarded at the RMDS annual banquet for scores of 60% or better for Training Level and above. Scores must be earned at RMDS recognized shows. Scores must be earned from current US Equestrian Federation or FEI tests. No scores from restricted classes (e.g.: breed classes, DELETE: USDF Championship classes, etc.) shall count towards RMDS Year-End Awards.
- RMDS has established a Technical Delegate Program to provide members with the necessary experience and training to officiate as Technical Delegates at RMDS only recognized shows. The program is administered by the RMDS Central Office.
- RMDS Technical Delegates Training Program Page E-19
- To be initially recognized as a RMDS Technical Delegate, the following requirements must be successfully completed by the candidate within one (1) year of acceptance into the RMDS Technical Delegate Training Program:
- The candidate must attend a training clinic.
- The candidate must complete field apprenticeships consisting of a minimum of three (3) full shows. Each of these shows must be under a different Technical Delegate at either RMDS or US Equestrian Federation recognized competitions. ADD: Two must be at a recognized USEF Dressage recognized competition. A minimum of two (2) shows of apprenticeships must be completed under licensed US Equestrian Federation Technical Delegates. Need to pass the evaluation with a minimum of three (3) evaluation scores of 70%. The remaining apprenticeship may be completed under either a licensed US Equestrian Federation Technical Delegate or a recognized RMDS Technical Delegate.
- The program will be conducted when the RMDS Recognized Officials and Show Standards Committee Chairperson and the Executive Board determine that an adequate demand exists.
- Pass a written exam with a minimum score of 85%.
- RMDS Technical Delegates Continuing Recognition Requirements RMDS Technical Delegates who meet the following conditions shall be approved to continue to officiate at competitions recognized only by RMDS.
- Is a member in good standing with RMDS.
- Is an individual member in good standing with US Equestrian Federation and is 21 years of age or older.
- Has successfully completed the RMDS Technical Delegate Training Program.
- Must attend either a RMDS or a US Equestrian Federation technical delegate-training program at least once every two (2) years since becoming a recognized RMDS Technical Delegate.
- Must officiate as the TD for a RMDS recognized show at least once every two (2) years.
- An RMDS Technical Delegate must take a technical delegate’s exam once every two (2) years and must receive a mark of 85% or better before their certificate is renewed. The test is to be administered in October of the odd years.
- If test is not passed, the individual must do the whole program again: as stated in Section VI, A. above.