Professionals Symposium Featuring Lilo Fore

RMDS Professionals’ Symposium Featuring Lilo Fore
May 15-16, 2018
Colorado Horse Park, Parker, Colorado
Join us for two days of Dressage Education with LILO FORE
Lilo Fore hardly needs an introduction to the Dressage community! She is the Judge everyone wants to ride for, because her scores make sense and her comments give you exactly the information you need to improve. The clinician who [most recently] ran the FEI Trainers Forum AND the USEF Judges Forum SIMULTANEOUSLY in Wellington, Florida.
Do you appreciate the depth of knowledge it takes to handle both those groups of Professionals, and send them home satisfied? Ask anyone who was there – Lilo is a Master teacher, Master Trainer, and all around excellent human being.
You DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY to work with Lilo in your own back yard!
IF YOU ARE A 2018 member of RMDS and a declared professional of ANY sport or discipline – YOU CAN ATTEND AS AN AUDITOR.
What is this Trainer’s forum about? It’s about providing a 2 day clinic, with a world class trainer, in a venue where training concepts can be observed and discussed. Lilo has the depth of experience to provide solid education at ALL levels. Every level of ability is welcome and encouraged to attend!
Every trainer needs time to sharpen their eye, refresh their motivation, and get re-inspired.
Do you HAVE to talk? Only if you are a rider being asked a question!
Can you ask why the rider sitting crooked is not having their seat addressed? You bet!
The Symposium will run approximately 8:30am-5pm each day with registration beginning at 8am. Box lunches will be provided for all pre-registrants and demonstration riders.
For Participants:
In Advance: $135 Full Event (includes lunch each day) or $75 per day (includes lunch)
At the Door: $170 Full Event (no lunch) or $90 per day (no lunch)
Demonstration Riders:
$250 – one ride each day plus your lunch. Professional riders only. If horse is owned by amateur or junior client, the client may attend only the session for their horse as a silent auditor.