November Elections for RMDS Board Positions

This November, a few board positions are up for renewal. If you want to make a difference and get involved in dressage in the Rocky Mountain Region, this is a great opportunity!
Up for election:
President | 2 Year Term
- The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Society. He/She shall preside at meetings of the Board of Governors and Executive Board meeting. He/She shall, with the Secretary, sign all contracts and obligations and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Governors. He/She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee herein provided for. The President may at any time call a meeting of the Executive Board or the Board of Governors in accordance with the provisions of ARTICLE XI of these By-Laws.
- Upon assuming office in January, the President shall appoint (with the approval of the Executive Board) an auditor who shall be charged with reviewing the financial records of the previous year. A full financial review of the financial records must be performed with every change of Treasurer or at least every five (5) years. The auditor shall report the findings to the President and to the Executive Board who will notify the membership that the findings are available upon request from the Central Office.
- The President shall represent the Society with all organizations requiring such representation and shall be the official Society spokesperson before the public. The incoming President may represent the Society as a delegate at the United States Dressage Federation Annual Meeting.
- In the event the president is unable to complete their term, the Office shall normally be filled by the ascension of the Vice President. In the event the office of Vice-President is either vacant or held by an appointee of the Executive Board, the office of President shall be filled within 30 days by an election of the Board of Governors and shall have a term of one (1) year.
Vice President | 1 Year Term
- Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall exercise any power or duty of the President. The Vice President shall work closely with Chapter Organizations to coordinate regional dressage activities throughout the State of Colorado and adjacent regions.
Secretary | 2 Year Term
- Take minutes at the meetings, collect and archive reports and votes done outside of meetings and help as needed within the organization.
- Secretary: The Secretary shall give notice to officers of the Executive Board of all meetings of the Executive Board and shall give notice to the delegates of the Board of Governors meetings. He/She shall prepare agendas in advance of each meeting in cooperation with the President; distribute agendas to delegates of the Board of Governors, Executive Board members, and Committee Chairpersons at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting date; be responsible for minutes of all meetings of the Society; and distribute immediately following each meeting a summary of the minutes of each meeting to all delegates of the Board of Governors, Executive Board members, Committee Chairpersons, and the editor of the Centaur and will make a copy of the minutes of available to the membership.
Treasurer | 2 Year Term
- The Treasurer shall have the responsibility of reporting to the Society and the Executive Board with regard to all financial matters involving the Society. The treasurer shall make known to the Executive Board, such recommendations and/or suggestions as to the manner in which the financial affairs of the Society are conducted. He/She shall prepare a budget for the Society, which shall be presented to the Executive Board prior to the annual Board of Governors meeting. The Treasurer shall provide a current statement of the Society’s finances to any member in good standing upon request.
Awards | 2 Year Term
- THE AWARDS COMMITTEE is responsible for the development and conduct of the Society’s Awards System. The rules and policies of the Awards System will be described in the Standing Rules of the Society.
Education | 2 Year Term
- THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE plans and coordinates the educational activities of the Society, including, but not limited to, educational workshops and seminars, riding and instructor clinics, etc., for the purpose of improving the knowledge and skill of riders and horses in dressage fundamentals, techniques and horsemanship.
- Primarily responsible for organizing and running RMDS “L” graduate Continuing Education annually including classroom session and group sit time. (Hiring of judge/instructor, selection and booking of venue, coordination with USDF including application for program and fund grant, budget, etc.). Also works with Adult Amateur & Jr/YR chair on camp as needed, with Executive Committee on annual Professional Symposium, and any other educational events as requested.
Marketing | 2 Year Term
- MARKETING Committee shall be responsible for developing and executing marketing programs aimed at increasing the number of members and to increase funding for RMDS programs.
- The Marketing Chair is responsible for spreading the word about RMDS, RMDS Events, RMDS Educational Opportunities. This position is also responsible for helping find event sponsors for RMDS Championships, Silent Auction and other RMDS Events. Other responsibilities include helping update the RMDS Blog (WordPress) and Social Media Accounts.
Professionals Committee | 2 Year Term
- PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS/RIDERS COMMITTEE shall be responsible for developing educational, social and competitive programs for the Society’s Professional Trainers/Riders. These programs shall be developed and run in coordination with the RMDS Education Committee.
Read more about RMDS and these positions in our constitution and bylaws, and our standing rules.
If you would like more information on the position, feel free to reach out to the person that currently holds the position:
To learn more about applying, please email