Awards Banquet

You are invited!! The RMDS Awards Banquet for the 2019 Show Season. Celebrate our achievements and build camaraderie with your fellow dressage enthusiasts and competitors.
Hosted by the Rocky Mountain Dressage Society
Saturday, January 4, 2018
Renaissance Denver Hotel
3801 Quebec Street, Denver, CO 80207
Evening Agenda:
- 5:30 pm Cash Bar
- 6:00 pm Dinner Service & Awards Presentation
- 8:00 pm Silent Auction Finale
Please RSVP by December 31, 2019.
Reservations and payment must be received by this date. A completed form with payment constitutes your reservation. Sorry, NO phone reservations accepted!
RESERVATIONS at $47 per person
Pay thru RMDS PayPal
Download this form and email to for RSVP: 2020 Banquet Flyer Form
or Make checks payable to RMDS and mail form and payment to:
RMDS Central Office 2942 Park Lake Drive, Boulder, Colorado 80301
We are also looking for Silent Auction Item Donors. Get your business in front of the 100+ attendees and give back to dressage in the Colorado and Rocky Mountain Community. Contact Una Schade if you would like to donate items to our silent auction. Email: