2018 Omnibus Advertising Opportunities
In past years there has been competition for ad placement in the Omnibus and Centaur. In an effort to be as fair as possible to those who wish to have a high-demand placement, such as the front of the first Tab, or the contract for a year of ads on the back of the Centaur, we are having an opening date for the ad submissions.
October 10 is “opening day” for reserving your special spot in the 2018 RMDS Omnibus.
Pricing Details may be found by clicking here.
The easiest way is to pay via the RMDS website: http://www.rmds.org/Main/Payment
Be sure to mention the size ad you are paying for and what person or company’s ad you are paying for.
We will award these placements/contracts on a first-come, first-served basis. To best level the playing field, we will not accept any reservations/submissions until our “open” date of October 10th . From that point forward we will track requests based upon time stamps of those submissions through PayPal on our website or by mail postmark date. Paying through PayPal is probably the most efficient way to get your request in as close to the open date as possible. The tracking will literally begin at 12:01a.m. on October 10th .
Closing Date: November 20 – Ad file needed at closing date.
Each section starts with a Tab in heavyweight card stock. EVERY TIME RMDS members open the Omnibus, they will automatically flip the tabs open and see your ad. There are only 12 placements available (1 front page, 6 back sides and 5 front sides). These will go quickly, so reserve your space ASAP!
You can receive significant discounts if you also contract for a 6-month placement in the printed Centaur (odd months).