2017 RMDS Show Recognition
Please observe the following DEADLINES for show date recognition and prize list submissions:
A. Show recognition-NOW!! $50.00 – Deadline is November 1 for renewing –
Try to include judges and TD (necessary to avoid overuse of the same judge)
Be sure to ask the judge if they are already coming to Colorado. We need a greater variety!! FORM: http://rmds.org/uploads/Publications/rmds-show-recognition.pdf
Return the enclosed form with your fees for next year’s renewal!!
B. November 20 – Prize List deadline – (we must have time to review them) – send in word
C. Entry forms for your show: If you are not using the RMDS entry form from the Omnibus, your form must have the following: (Check the RMDS website for the current information)
i. A place for local member & horse numbers
ii. Must have new USEF Hold Harmless agreement, coach signature, and emergency contact information & are you a US citizen?
iii. Be sure you receive a copy of the current RMDS membership card
D. Scores must be submitted WITHIN 15 DAYS OF SHOW ENDING with the RMDS numbers listed for each horse and for each rider. Shows not submitting scores with the above RMDS numbers will not have their scores count towards year-end awards.
E. All scheduling and prize lists and their respective fees are to be sent to the RMDS Central Office.
November 1- Recognition fee deadline
November 20 – Prize list for publication in January Omnibus
Send application and fees to:
RMDS Central Office – 2942 Park Lake Drive – Boulder, CO 80301-5139
Phone: 720-890-7825
You can also email the form and pay via Pay Pal from the RMDS website.
Show Manager and Show Secretary must be current members of RMDS
RMDS only recognized shows: please plan to attend the Show Managers Educational update, check the RMDS calendar for date and place.